HowCow - idealers Startup


Development of rebranding and pitch deck for a Ukrainian agro-tech startup

The HowCow startup (ex-FarmHub) is a unique cow health tracking system that consists of a smart collar or clip, artificial intelligence, and software. The system helps to determine the optimal time for cow insemination and solves many other health problems. This, at the same time, helps solve even more problems for farmers, who are the main target audience.

HowCow (ex-FarmHub) participated in CES-2024 (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, one of the world’s largest consumer electronics exhibitions showcasing the latest technological innovations and products.

Here's what we did:
Brand identity
Pitch deck


Having researched the market, competitors, and target audience, it became clear that we have a cool Ukrainian product that beats the competitors in several ways. The most important of them are the long signal range (5-8 km) and integrated AI. But after analyzing potential customers, it became clear that they needed to be informed clearly and comprehensibly. Without delving too deeply into algorithms and chips, we needed to explain why they need our product.

In addition, after digging deeper, strategists discovered a whole layer of everyday farm problems that could be solved or even prevented thanks to the client’s solutions. Therefore, having correctly placed the accents, we came up with the perfect descriptor – Cow Relationship Manager. Yes, just like a CRM system, but for cows. After all, our product solves very similar problems with its own specifics related to health.


Have you ever had a moment when the idea just dawned on you? That’s exactly what happened to us! On the first brainstorms, our creative CEO Vadym Gordieiev came up with a gem – HowCow. This fully reflects what the product was created for – to find out “How is the cow?”. And in symbiosis with the descriptor, it turned out to be quite beautiful and understandable: HowCow. Cow Relationship Manager.

After that, we formed a list of key messages, which was divided into groups, depending on the end user, whether it was an investor or an ordinary farmer.

Brand identity

Working on the identity consisted of several stages: a design session, brainstorming of directions, and in-depth development of the concept.

After a design session with the client, the designers created 3 concepts, from which the client chose one. Its natural colors and digital patterns vividly described the interaction of technology and nature.

Then we filled the concept with meanings and symbols. We also developed a logo – a digital cow. It emphasizes both the minimalism and functionality of the product.

And she’s also funny =)

Pitch deck

Having all the necessary components approved by the client, the team started creating the pitch deck. The strategist formed the structure of the presentation and highlighted important accents, the copywriter filled each slide with meaning, and the designer designed the pitch deck in the newly created identity, adding visual senses. And voila – the new HowCow brand was launched!

We should pay tribute to the startup team for their trust and quick decision-making. After all, not everyone would dare to agree to change the name and positioning of a project, even at a fairly early stage. But in the world of startups, this is probably one of the main cheat codes: to be flexible and adapt quickly to changes, to think globally, and act locally.

That is why we are confident that our cooperation will help HowCow attract partners and investments at CES in the United States and in Japan, where in February 2024 the startup will participate in the JICA Ukraine Startup Event and Japan-Ukraine Conference for Promotion of Economic Reconstruction.

Project team

Creative CEO – Vadym Gordeev

Creative direction – Oleh Svyshch

Head of Strategy – Roman Zotov

Strategy – Oleksandra Yanchenko

Creative Copywrite – Vitaliy Katan

Art direction – Polina Udod

Design – Oleksandra Petrash

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