Nomion - idealers Startup


Development of identity and pitch deck for a Ukrainian environmental deep-tech startup.

Imagine a device that could control the energy consumption of all water heaters in the country, intelligently redirect energy where it is needed most, and turn off inactive devices. Well, there’s no need to imagine. Because that’s what NOMION is.

Here's what we did:
Pitch deck
Brand Identity
Video clip

About the project

We were running out of time. Although Zoom is not capable of conveying emotions, we were very much inspired by the client’s ideas and concept, as if it were our own project. The idea came about in the winter of 2022, during the russia massive shelling of Ukraine’s energy facilities, 60% of Ukrainians were left without electricity for hours, sometimes days.

One of the key problems of those days was the uncontrolled energy consumption by water heaters and boilers, whose total capacity was 6000 megawatts! And this is equal to the power of an entire nuclear power plant.


NOMION could be the solution to the problem. Because it is a very easy-to-use device that you just plug into an outlet and… that’s it.

NOMION is a smart device that uses AI to analyze your water heater usage, and automatically turn on the water heating exactly when you need hot water and not waste extra energy. And all this without human involvement, automatically!

Pitch deck

We did special research based on a client’s request to create a pitch deck for a project that would encourage foreign (primarily American) investors to believe in the project.

But which points to choose? Westerns don’t suffer from russian bombings and don’t have massive power blackouts. This is where another of the most important benefit of NOMION comes into play – optimization of electricity consumption, which primarily reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

The math is very simple – approximately 7 million water heaters in the United States consume almost 9 Terawatts. By optimizing the US power grid with the NOMION system, coal consumption could be reduced by 5 million tons per year and CO2 emissions by 11 million tons!

Video explainer

Does it sound very promising? You bet it does!

And to finally solidify this belief in the minds of potential investors, we created an animated explainer video in which the project was described in the smallest detail.

Check this out! ?

Project team

Creative CEO – Vadym Gordeev

Creative direction – Oleh Svyshch

Strategy – Roman Zotov, Oleksandra Yanchenko

Creative Copywrite – Volodymyr Oleshchenko

Art direction – Benjamin Kryzhanivskyi

Design – Oleksandra Petrash

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